Although the Fall Equinox officially arrives this year on September 22nd , most home buyers try to settle in before the school year starts. Many families think of summer as ending around Labor Day as days grow shorter and the school year kicks off. Even so, while summer winds down, there are still lots of housing choices out there for those still looking to move before winter.
Shopping for homes by season is commonly done with Spring the busiest time for real estate sales. Steady job growth and consistently low interest rates this year are spurring many into the real estate game. And even though summer 2016 will soon be gone, there are many buyers whose moving dates are not dictated by the school calendar – they just want to get settled before the snow flies.
A recent quarterly report generated authored by Florida International University staff showed that the U.S. housing market is shifting deeper into purchasing mode, and that residential housing markets around the country are viable. Overall, 16 of the 23 metropolitan markets they investigated indicated purchasing housing in those areas was strong.
Their study also showed that in the Midwest, prices still have plenty of room for growth, and that it remains a good place to buy, particularly in Chicago.
Real estate pros recommend buyers getting prequalified for a mortgage before shopping for that new address. Making an offer with the contingency that you’ll close after your own home sells, does not make you an attractive a buyer. You want to create a win-win scenario for all parties at the table.
Yes, timing is everything! Whether you’re an Olympic athlete watching that clock in Rio, or seeking out a new address by the season, you’ll need to time it right. An experienced realtor can provide you with the guidance you need so that your new address becomes a rea lity within the exact timeframe you need to move.