Like all other emergencies, the best solution is to always be prepared. Whether it is a storm, tornado, hurricane wind, or a straight lying wind, you should make sure you have a plan for dealing with the eventualities. Statistics have it that last year alone, there was close to 552 tornados related deaths resulting from 1688 confirmed tornados.
This indeed paints a dark picture for home owners in the US, however, by being prepared, they can solve the problem. Here, we will discuss ways that will enable you become better prepared for weather emergencies.
Have a storm shelter to go to in an emergency
First, it is necessary to have storm shelters especially if your house is located in the mid west and south. These regions are reported to have high tornado activity, which results in deaths and other related damages. While you may think that insurance covers for tornados are all that you need, you might find it informative to know that you need to first survive the tornados before making the claim.
While the typical home insurance covers tornado damage, the devil is always in the details. You should go ahead and check out the specifics of the contract making sure that it covers microburst, straight line winds, and general tornado damages. In the event that your house has a basement, you should clear it of all the debris and make it available to be used as shelters during storms.
Use above-ground safe rooms
Another useful structural weather emergency measure is to build above the ground safe rooms in homes. These are usually garages or closets that are bolted down into the ground to serve as tornado shelters, which are more conveniently accessible during the night when you cannot see a tornado coming. You could also construct underground storm cellars near the home, these are particularly convenient due to their accessibility, and thus emphasis should be put on proximity to the house.
Like in all emergencies, the key towards making it through weather emergencies is to avoid being caught unawares. You can achieve this end by investing in a weather monitor, which is electronically programmed to set off the alarm system when acute or severe weather alerts are made. These electronic contraptions are responsible for saving countless lives that would have otherwise been lost during weather emergencies.
So what if you are a renter and you don’t have the option of installing a storm shelter? You should always plan or arrange in advance, to share a storm shelter with a relative or a friend with adequate shelter in the event of bad weather. Make sure you make this arrangement in time, in order to avoid last minute rush-ins and inconveniences.
Have emergency kit and supplies ready and available
A necessary condition is that all homes should have emergency supplies specifically set aside in anticipation for weather related emergencies. The following items should be included in the emergency supplies: bottled water, battery operated FM radio, non perishable food, a lighter, first aid kit, flares, solar cell phone charger, pet food, and whistle.
The overall importance of adequate preparation for weather emergencies should be implemented at all levels since in the construction of any property safety is all ways key.